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Command and conquer red alert 2 free pc. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2Command and conquer red alert 2 free pc. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 PC Download Full Version
This is an awesome cheat, all you have to do is make a Chrono Commando by building a spy and an engineer put them next to your battle lab when the spy is behind the engineer, next use waypoint when both units are selected and target the battle lab when damaged a little then press waypoint again to release them and your Chrono Commando is ready.
Use him wisely and you can beat the allied the storyline easily. This works for allies only! Now comes the tricky part, shoot up your own warfactory till it has some damage, select spy and engineer make sure that the spy is behind your engineer commznd press waypoint then press between the units and your warfactory then press on the warfactory and again press waypoint! On alfrt Soviet level where you need to use Yuri on the president, after you capture the allied barracks and battle lab.
Make a spy and send him into the battle lab in the base where the president is. Presto, Chrono Ivan! When you are building stuff, move the cursor to the black on the map if there is some, since there really isn't any graffics to display, it will go twice as conqher If you play allies build 1 or 2 choppers load them full with engineers try to sneak them into your enemies base and get the engineers in his buildings and sell abd So alwrt as i know this only command and conquer red alert 2 free pc on the unpatched version.
When the mission is loading, soviet or allied, type "dollarday" as slowly as you can and still cojquer it command and conquer red alert 2 free pc typed before it's conqufr, and you will start out with up to cash. On some missions where you can't build armored units, you won't get any extra cash.
Читать with russia or other not allied use youri to mindcontrol a cow, now you can use the cow to spy on enemy bases without getting shot! Rer you are soviet Use a Yuri and take over a school bus. Load some guys into it. Drive it onto an enemy base. Your enemies will not fire upon the bus. If you want to get Paratroopers while you are a Soviet, you have to do these: 1: You have command and conquer red alert 2 free pc play The Alamo scrmish level 2 At the bottom of the map theirs an airport suronded by barbed-wire fences.
Send an enginer commanv their and capture it 3 In a little while you can deploy frde even if your not the Americans.
In a mission or regular game use a Yuri to mind- control a bus. It can be filled with any infantry units. You could bring them into an enemys base and the allied fighters will not fire on the bus!
In order to earn a Yuri Prime, you need to be the Soviets, and you need to be playing against more than one Command and conquer red alert 2 free pc I always go with 3, that's including you. You need to be fighting an Allied Nation and a Soviet Nation. Train 2 Engineers and send them into the Allied base.
First, take the 1st Engineer and take over the Conqer Barracks, you will earn conque infantry, but you will not have the Spy. As quickly as you can, train a spy. As soon as the spy has been trained, sell the Allied Barracks and Battle Lab. Disguise the Spy as a Soviet Conscript. He is so powerful, you can only have one at a time. But, if you have some Cloning Vats, then you can have two of them.
Go into a skirmish. Play as one of the Allied Nations. You need to be playing against another Allied Nation. As soon as commane earn a Spy, train him. Disguise him as an enemy G. I and send him into their Battle Lab. You will get Chrono Commando. Build a tesler and then put as many tesler troopers around it as you can afford. The more you have the larger range and power it has.
Therefore if you have it will be almost invincible!! Build a spy and disguise him as an enemy trooper. Next, order him to snd your opponents Battle Lab. All you have to do is send him into the Battle Lab. He has mind control powers and carries C4 like Tanya. You need to play as any of soviet side to enable this cheat to work. After constructed a "clone building", then just simply по этому адресу command and conquer red alert 2 free pc wall surrounding the barrack. Finally, train as many military unit as you want for free.
The military units will come out from the clone and cost you nothing. Build as many barrack as you like to speed up the training but make sure the selected barrack is surrounded подробнее на этой странице wall. Command and conquer red alert 2 free pc you are really business-oriented, you may re-sell the military units back to the clone to make some money. This only qnd for version 1. Free soccer for windows 7 The more weapons factories you build; нажмите чтобы прочитать больше faster you vehichles will build.
This also works for everything else in which you can build from. Build five or six Demolition Trucks and have a fully charged Iron Curtain ready. Drive the Demolition Trucks into an enemy base and engage the Iron Curtain on them before enemy weapons can hit them. The Rdd Trucks will not explode until they reach the target.
When playing as the Soviets, command and conquer red alert 2 free pc a Yuri to mind control a school bus. Load five infantry units into the bus and drive it inside an enemy base. The Cimmand will not fire on the bus.
If you have any unlockables please submit them. Created by: xxRyGuyxx. Read the full guide Created by: Comamnd. Created by: Stephanus Rudiyanto Redd. Created by: Varkovsky. SinceCheatCodes. To find all the latest cheats, guides, hints and tips, visit CheatCodes.
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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge Download | GameFabrique - Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
While there is a lot of strategy in this game, I feel that it is more fast-paced and action packed than many other strategy games that are out there. It is the kind of game that is easy to get into, but a real challenge to master. I had a great time going back and playing this game. While I feel it is better than Red Alert 2. Yuri is a great character the best antagonist in the series in my opinion.
Without a doubt, you do not want to pass on this one! Yuri is back! The fearsome Russian psychic, one of the masterminds behind the Soviet attack in the original Red Alert 2 , has developed a new technology known as the Psychic Dominator. With this device he plans to control the minds of every man, woman and child on Earth. Wielding fearsome new weapons and soldiers, he's taken his own secret army and built them into a devastating attack force, based on psychic ability and cloning technology.
Play as either the Allied or Soviet commander as you attempt to defeat Yuri and keep your enemy from turning the tide of battle. Yuri's Revenge is an expansion pack for the original Red Alert 2 , and in the tradition of the original, it shines in all its campy glory.
Set in a fictional future where the Soviet Union has launched a surprise attack on the United States, Yuri's Revenge picks up just hours after the original Red Alert 2 ended. Red Alert 2 is a traditional RTS title, with a 3rd person overhead perspective view that lets you control units across a large map. The studio decided on Oct 25, date to launch this video game.
Fight for the red, white, and blue — or just the red. But be careful — the mystical madman Yuri, with his mysterious mind-control technology, is readying his army for a shot at world domination. Fight on the side of freedom or battle behind the Iron Curtain. Play either side in the full solo-play campaign or as one of the nine nations in eight modes of multiplayer.
Online, however, there is a ranking system in place. And, in theory, finding a like-skilled player to mouse-duel should be simple thanks to the fact you can click on their name and see at a glance where in the world they are from and how high they sit in the RA2 rankings. In practice, rankings aren't that helpful and sometimes don't even show up. As a guide, lose your first tournament game and you'd probably go straight in at 40, Play someone ranked around as I stupidly did he was tagged as 'unranked' when I chose to play him and you can expect a mauling.
Still, the RA2 community is a pretty friendly bunch, whether they win or lose, as long as the game is a good one there are plenty of virtual handshakes and cocktails by the pool afterwards. One game not available to the skirmisher is World Domination. You choose one of the contested territories, fight, and whether you win or lose, the overall map changes colour and, at the end of each day, a side is declared victorious. No big shakes really, but it's bizarre why you can only play Domination in x resolution.
So, little has changed then. Online Red Alert 2 is just as good as all the other Westwood games have been since time began. It's not as good looking as many other RTS games we could mention, neither is it particularly the most strategically challenging game around.
As long as you know each unit and every keyboard shortcut, you can pretty much rule the online roost. While you're there, however, Red Alert 2 is a lot of fun, easy to play and unendingly popular - and if you've already got the game, it would be a crime not to bring your modem to the party. It's not all 'destroy the base' so If you're stuck we've hopefully got the solution.
Enjoy It while It lasts because it looks like it's the final 2D version to come from Westwood. And then we'll only have the Army Men series to look forward to in that genre.
Oh dear. Train about 15 conscripts and head to the north. Mend the bridge to the west of the second small base to get your hands on four tanks. Go up and attack the Pentagon.
Capture the Allied refineries to get some cash. Construct a shipyard, build six or seven Subs and take them down south to sink all the Destroyers and the Allied shipyard. Build a lot of tanks and head down the left of the map. Destroy the construction yard the barrels nearby make it easier and they'll give up and shut down the base. Finish everything off and remember that the Chrono Miners count too. Capture the three derricks in front of your base. Fortify the building down the slope. Use about fourV3 Rocket Launchers to clear up any pillboxes on the way north.
Mop up infantry with Tesla Troopers and tanks. Destroy the pillboxes around the base with V3s again while using everything else to destroy enemy structures. You can use some engineers to repair the skyscrapers around the base to give you a fortified advantage if you want. Before you capture the battle lab, train ten Flak Troopers and place them nearby.
Beef up your tank division then hold on tight until the timer runs down. There's two ways to do this, an easy way and a hard way. Guess which one we went for? Build up two or three Subs to guard the shore and about four Flak Cannons to defend the air. Now the sneaky bit: send about five conscripts and Tesla Troopers to the east to take over and guard the lighthouse at the end of the map. When the invasion starts an Allied MCV should attempt to set itself up close by.
Blow it up before it can build anything or else you're going to have a lengthy battle on your hands. Your own base should be safe from attack if you've fortified the buildings nearby and left a few Tesla Troopers guarding it. Go to the left and capture the derrick to get some cash. Travel around, fortifying the buildings near any enemies to give you an advantage.
Keep some engineers nearby to repair them if they get damaged. It's best to go in by the middle enhance to the north and take out the tanks in the park before moving in your Tesla Troopers to charge the Eiffel Tower.
Start up your base and quickly send some troops off to the left to stem any landings. Take some conscripts over to the house on the small island to gain a bonus. For another cash bonus, take an amphibious transport along the bottom left until you reach land and you'll find a crate. Build up some minor defences, then concentrate on building Subs and a few Sea Scorpions. Deploy them near the housed island to take out the Koreans when the timer runs down.
Keep the dreadnought reinforcements at a distance. Defend your shipyard from any remaining ships while stocking up on Subs. Head to the west and then up the small channel in the middle. Use your Dreadnoughts to take out the Prism Towers.
Then sub-rush the Allied fleets and the shipyards. And you don't even need to set foot in their base. You need to defend all four points of your base. Before you do, send a couple of Tesla Troopers to take out the propaganda van to the west, then send some engineers over to the far east derricks to get some extra cash. Build three miners to harvest the north field, guarded by a few tanks and Troopers.
Churn out some Flak Troopers and cannons around your battle lab. Hold out and build up a few heavy tanks, some Apocalypses and Terror Drones and position them next to the entrance two of each should do the job along with a whole bunch of Tesla Troopers.
Build some Tesla Coils nearby and add others when you've got the money. A few dogs should sort out any spies as well. The attacks keep getting stronger but as long as you keep an even mix at each point, you'll be able to hold them off. Defend your base from Paratroopers as you build. Send a few tanks, backed up by four V3 Launchers and Tesla Troopers over the bridge. When you've taken out their units, send a few engineers over to capture what's left.
Build one plasma coil to the north-east. Keep a good supply of Terror Drones to help take out enemy infantry and mix with a few Apocalypse tanks.
Money can be tight here so send a few units to destroy the memorials and make some cash when there's a lull in the fighting. To penetrate the White House base, the best thing to do is to amass your forces up at the north-west and assault the left wall. Enemy buildings can spring up pretty quickly, so take out the construction yard with Apocalypses first of all while using V3s on the war factory.
Then just clear up the power plants to take the coils off line and destroy the barracks. Kill any remaining units and capture the White House. Kill the two guards in the base to the north with the IFV and mind control the engineers to take over the base. Take over another IFV, build an engineer and put him in one to turn it into a repair vehicle. Take the two up to the northeast base and blow up the pillboxes and guards, using the repair IFV to fix any damage. By now he should be to at full strength.
Get rid of the repair IFV and use the psychic commander to take over the sniper, who should then take out all the guards and dogs standing at the entrance. Build a spy and send him into the base. Position your IFV at the south wall and launch rockets at the power plants while your spy takes the power down. The two tanks should pose no problem if you're at full rank. The site administration is not responsible for the content of the materials on the resource.
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